Family Estrangement: Going No Contact

Part Three

Shirley J. Davis
7 min readFeb 15, 2023


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

We have been exploring together the ins and outs of going no contact with a family of origin. As we have seen, going no contact is a dramatic and often traumatic event that allows you some peace when your family denies your past abuse or is still abusing you.

This piece shall focus on what to do with the inevitable grief and guilt that often follows going no contact.

Ways to Go No Contact with Your Family of Origin

There are many ways you can utilize when going no contact with your family of origin. Going no contact is to break away from your family and discourage them from reaching out to you.

One can expect the family to try to interrupt your determination to remain away by spreading rumors of how horrible you are or how sick you must be to “hurt them like that.” While these rumors are highly inconvenient and may cause you to want to lash out, it is critical to keep your wits about you and not respond.

You should block them from all your social media accounts, such as Facebook or Twitter, and your telephone. If you must, change your phone number and stay away from social media for a while to help you feel sane.

You might want to consider blocking friends of the family and other family and friends besides…



Shirley J. Davis

I am an author/speaker/grant writer in the U.S. My passion is authoring information about mental health disorders, especially dissociative identity disorder..