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Hiding in Plain Sight
Obesity and Childhood Trauma
You might believe that obese people are weak because they give in to their base indulgences. While you might think you understand obesity, you may be wrong.
Obesity is much more complicated than someone deciding to overeat. Instead, it involves many risk factors, and one of the largest is experiencing abuse or neglect in childhood that is unresolved in adulthood.
This article will tackle the touchy subject of obesity, how it affects your health, and why it exists. No shame is intended here; I am just telling you what and why people become and remain obese.
What is Obesity?
Being overweight and obese is abnormal or excessive fat accumulation, and this build-up is a significant health hazard. You are considered overweight if your body mass index is over 25; if it is over 30, you are considered obese.
The body mass index (BMI) is when the body mass of someone is divided by the square of the body height. The BMI is then expressed in units of kg/m2 derived from mass in kilograms and height in meters.
Obesity results from ingesting more calories than are burned by exercise and activities usually associated with daily life. To burn one calorie of fat, one must consume 3500 calories. You will gain weight…