Taking Responsibility for Your Emotions

Owning your feelings

Shirley J. Davis


Photo by Mohammad Alizade on Unsplash

If you are like me, there are times when my emotions get out of control. We yell at our children or our significant other and feel lousy afterward.

When you have dissociative identity disorder, a common symptom is to either thrash out with your anger or push it way down inside you.

This article will delve into the empowering journey of mastering your emotions and the multitude of benefits it can bring.

You are Responsible for Your Emotions

How many times in your life have you lost control of your emotions? We let our feelings guide us sometimes, which can be healthy (we’ll explore this later).

Emotions are neither good nor bad; humans and most other species experience them as part of their emotional makeup. However, when we are out of control of our emotions, we harm others and ourselves.

It does no good for us or those who love us when we act like leopards, growing at everyone and occasionally yelling. Our emotions are harmful when we project them onto someone else or hold them in instead of expressing them appropriately.

Emotional Projection

It is not uncommon for humans to project something we don’t like about ourselves, like anger, or…



Shirley J. Davis

I am an author/speaker/grant writer in the U.S. My passion is authoring information about mental health disorders, especially dissociative identity disorder..